Friday, February 22, 2013

In need of Leader for Malawi!

I woke up this morning, feeling so angry at you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will have to address you Malawi, my dear country. You are at serious crossroads.
Today we have been informed that you have increased salaries of civil servants who were on strike by 61%. But why did you take so long to act? Did you not learn from you rpast mistake that 'hiding from  angry citizens doesn't help you? Already before this 61% salary uincreament was offers, your inflation was at a shocking 35%, up from 21.3% in 2012 and 13.7% in 2011. Surely, inflation will keep rising; while the Reserve Bank will have to increase interest rates! Very soon. Devaluation of your Kwacha is now at over 237%, just 10 months it went off at 49%. Thumbs up, forex ikuoneka, forget about the cost of it!
Unfortunately, your engine of growth - the private sector - continues to be kugwiridwa pakhosi; and you cannot attract enough Foreign Direct Investments. Yes, look - which investor will come to you when your 2013 economic freedom scores have worsened! You have backtracked in 6 of the 10 indexes; and maintained the position in 2. Your Rule of Law (especially Property rights and Freedom from Corruption) has gone down; Government Spending and Fiscal freedom have worsened - and yet your leadership wants to continue distributing maize and other food stuffs, and continue travelling around poti samayenda mmakomo mwa amathu; Business freedom has worsened; and Monetary freedom has worsened too!!! You have remained at the same 2012 level in relation to Investment freedom and Financial freedom. You only improved on LABOUR freedom and TRADE freedom. Koma what will you be trading in? Why do you not concentrate on removing those production / supply side constraints? You have labour freedom in an economy that does not create enough jobs? malawi, kodi udzamva liti? YOU NEED SOBER LEADERSHIP, osati zachibwana ayi; I said Leadership not throwing your drivers keys to the International Monetary Fund and donors.
God help Malawi.

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